• How to setup wordpress default featured image

    For setup wordpress image there is simple way to do. below i added snipping for it that is simple way to you can be add code in your function.php file and need to pass attachment id where need to keep if you want to use plugin for default featured image it make easy to setup

  • How to use woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation

    Before add to card in woocommerce if you need to custom validation than you can use woocommerce action woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation by this action you can use validation. there is 5 arguments. lets we understand one by one. $true indicated to validation is true or false value $product_id get product id which request for add to cart…

  • Add | Save meta box value in wordpress

    In wordpress we are teach you how to add meta box in wordpress as well how meta box value store in wordpress. let’s we start how to add meta box in wordpress. this is meta box function. Lets explain with example step 1: Add Meta box in wordpress we need to code in function.php by…

  • How to Add Custom Image Sizes in WordPress

    When image is not suitable according size than we need to use custom image size for wordpress. its very easy part for adding that. lets i suggest you how to do it. you need to add code into function.php of theme file There is 4 parameter into function. 1) Defines name of your new image…

  • WordPress add cron job programmatically

    For wordpress to setup cron job that is easy to setup in function.php by that you can use wordpress cron job. lets start with example: we make cron job in wordpress which is every 5 minutes after call and perform action . this code you need to put in function.php

  • Woocommerce cash on delivery extra fee Programmatically

    very easy way to you can be add extra fees base on payment gateway method. now lets example we add $10 extra for COD payment gateway. you need put below code in themes of function.php file than see magic it will be work . if you select cash on delivery method than will be effect…

  • How to use Dompdf WordPress plugin

    For dompdf using many plugin available in wodpress. but if we want to perform any custom code for Dompdf than much of plugin useless therefore we need to use handmade plugin for it. let me explain you how to use it that first you need to setup dompdf latest library for github and setup it.…

  • Add Extra Fees In Woocommerce Programmatically

    Woocommerce allow you to how to setup custom feed on checkout page in Woocommerce with programmically. To add extra fees programmatically in WooCommerce, you can use the WC_Cart class and its add_fee() method. Here’s a summary of the process: Create a Custom Function: Write a function to add the extra fees to the cart. Use…