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Product Enquiry for WooCommerce Documentation
The Product Enquiry for WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that adds a quote request functionality to your WooCommerce store. It allows customers to request quotes for products instead of purchasing them directly. This plugin enhances the customer experience by providing a streamlined process for requesting quotes and negotiating prices.
This documentation will guide you through the installation, configuration, and usage of the GM WooCommerce Quote Popup plugin.
Table of Contents
To install the GM WooCommerce Quote Popup plugin, follow these steps:
- Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
- Navigate to “Plugins” > “Add New.”
- In the search field, enter “GM WooCommerce Quote Popup.”
- Locate the GM WooCommerce Quote Popup plugin and click “Install Now.”
- After the installation, click “Activate” to enable the plugin.
Enquiry Button Settings

Enable : if you checked than whole enquiry plugin will be active
Display Page : there is two option 1) shop and single product page 2) single product page
Single Product Button Location : in single product page two location on showing that 1) After add to cart button 2) in woocommerce Tab
Enquiry List
In this tab showing all enquiry send to admin, all that record store in our database with date wise
if you want to download all enquiry than you can download it
General Settings

Users Show : there is option for all users, logged user and logged out user
Show Enquiry Button When Product Is Out of Stock : enquiry button will be show only which product is out of stock
Remove Price From Product : it will be remove price from product
Hide Add to Cart Button : it hide and remove add to cart button of product
Form Setting
Label / Placeholder Display : in enquiry form you want to label of placeholder that will be describe
Button Background Color : setup background color of enquiry button
Button Text Color : setup text color of enquiry button
Button Background Hover Color : setup background hover color of enquiry button
Button Text Hover Color : setup text color of enquiry button hover
Redirection Setting
Redirect after Enquiry form Submission : after submit enquiry form if you want redirect somewhere than check that box
Redirect Page : select page where you need redirect after submit form
Disable Woocommerce Cart and Checkout Page? : if you want to disable woocommerce cart and checkout page than check here
Redirect Page : if you disable woocommerce cart and checkout page than it will be redirect on particular page which you select here

Include Exclude Base On Category : there is 3 option 1) All – that mean show enquiry button on all product 2) include- it indicate particular selected category of all product in show button 3) exclude – selected category of product on it not show enquiry button
Form Customizer

Content Before Enquiry From – show text before form
Content After Enquiry From – show text after form
Email Customizer
Recipient’s Email – enter email address which enquiry data you get
Email subject – enter email subject
Send Enquiry Email to Customer As Well – if you want to send email copy to customer than selecte this also
Customer Email Subject – if you checked Send Enquiry Email to Customer As Well then you need to change customer email subject that you can change
Email Body – write email body to which you need to keep that

under this section you can translate button and message
Setup Dom Event
if you want to setup google tag manager or facebook pixel than it allow to dom event
window.addEventListener('Gm_enquiry_submitted', function(event) {
// Handle the custom event here
console.log('Custom event triggered!');
Once the GM WooCommerce Quote Popup plugin is installed and configured, customers can start using the quote request functionality on your WooCommerce store. Here’s how it works:
- Customers browse your online store and find a product they are interested in.
- Instead of adding the product to the cart, they click on the “Request Quote” or a similar button you have configured.
- A quote request popup appears, allowing customers to enter their contact details, desired quantity, and any additional comments.
- After submitting the quote request, customers receive a confirmation message.
- As the store owner, you receive an email notification with the quote request details.
- You can review the quote request, negotiate the price if needed, and send a custom quote back to the customer via email.
- The customer can then accept or decline the quote, and the negotiation process continues until an agreement is reached.
The GM WooCommerce Quote Popup plugin offers various customization options to match your store’s branding and requirements. Here are some customization possibilities:
- Styling: You can modify the appearance of the quote request popup and button using CSS to align with your store’s theme.
- Button Placement: Choose where to display the quote request button on your product pages.
- Email Templates: Customize the content and layout of the email notifications sent to customers and store owners.
For advanced customization, you may need to have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and WooCommerce hooks.